
We want to be available to help and encourage any who are in need of help, an ear, or most of all prayers for their own homes and marriages. We understand the private and intense nature of marital issues and will respect your privacy if you contact us. We look forward to serving and working along beside you!



  1. Hi it was inpiring to read your story. That touched my heart. I am a pastor and founded burning fire ministries and my wife and i have been experiencing hard time where we dont understand each other. We always fight. We had a fall before we got married we lost membership, we lost the friends, but God came in to our rescue and forgave us by the blood of Jesus. Because of that we have risen again. We stil face challenges as a family and misunderstanding.

  2. Hi:

    If you ever want to talk…let me know.

    God BLess and keep you and yours!

    In His Service,
    Fred del Guidice
    (sherry’s Bro)

  3. This is a very nice website. My only suggestion is that you need a Statement of Faith on the site. Perhaps it’s here and I didn’t see it.

  4. I was told about you and your website. It looks good.

    I commend you for your ministry. It’s a tough one. We, too, are survivors of infidelity. Twenty years later, we’re still dealing with the ripples. God has used it in our ministry often and I have written a book on spiritual formation that includes my adultery in it.

    We recently had a 4 month focus on men’s purity at our church that rose to the surface a number of young marriages struggling. It was decided that my book (and me teaching through my book) would be the resource for these marriages. Like one of your commentors said, the problem in adultery is that Jesus is not the Lord of the cheaters heart. We’ve discovered that the “victim” can also have that problem so deeply hidden that it takes a whollop like this to bring it to the surface.

    Anyway, my friend thought my book my be a helpful resource for you to recommend. If you would like to receive a complimentary copy of it, let me know.

  5. Dear Derek:

    If you so desire we would love to sing for your ministry. We give Thou Art Worthy presentations wherever we are asked to go.

    Next time you visit Sherry we will try to come up and sing for you and your family.

    God bless your efforts,
    Fred del Guidice

  6. I happened upon this site today and I am glad I did. I always had this vision of what marriage is “supposed to be”. Lately, I have realized there are no “perfect marriages” and it’s even harder when God is shut out of it. I shut him out without even realizing it. I tried doing things “my way” because His way wasn’t fast enough for me. It’s amazing how I can think I’ve got things handled when I don’t. My bitterness and stubbornness almost ended our marriage. It took me getting right with God before I could get right with my husband. I want to thank you for sharing your experiences. I have found encouragement through your story! I continue to pray that He gives us the strength through our trials. I will add your family to my prayers. Thanks again!

  7. Derek and Lisa,

    God bless you, I love your site and more than anything your hearts. We’ll be praying for you and we’ll be in touch.


  8. Hi Derek, I spoke to you about a year ago on the phone about my husbands infidelity. You told me until my husband was broken there wasn’t much that I could do, you also told me that no matter what I was feeling to be kind to him. I didnt understand at the time your method, but I knew that the bible said to overcome evil with good. There were days that my husband was so hateful I couldn’t imagine being kind to him. But your words stayed in my mind and a year later I believe my husband has hit his bottom. Its been a 4 year struggle, but praise God that His word does not come back void. All things do work together for the good of those who love Him. Thanks so much for your words of encouragement and God bless you and your family for all that your doing to save Christian marriages. Tina

    • It’s great to hear from you, Tina. As much as I hate to hear that someone is hurting and broken, I know from personal experience that the “poor in spirit” are the ones Jesus called out. Your ability as a wife to follow the ideas Peter outlines in I Peter 3:1-6 are paramount to your obedience to Christ and your ability to heal your own heart and to help heal his at the same time. When he says, “they may be won over without words by the behavior of their wives”, I think Peter means it and I’ve seen it work over and over again.

      We’re blessed to have been able to help you all and look forward to serving you more and hearing where things go next. To God be the glory! Feel free to call, text, or email at any time you think we can help.

  9. Do you have an updated listing of men’s meetings/retreats? The last one I found listed on the site is from Sept 2011. Thanks!

    • Yes, we do. All of our retreats are listed on this page, which is a tab at the top. It lists the two men’s retreats we have planned for Indiana this year for men, the two women’s retreats, and the father/son retreat. I hope you can make it to one of them!

  10. I’m trying to overcome the worst thing I ever imagine I could feel, is just about a week ago since I realize my wife’s affair, since then days are just being a nightmare for me, today I have talked with my mom about this for first time and she told me really comfortable things that took me to find on internet help or information, finally I get here, I thank god for it.
    I really appreciate the labor you’re doing, I learned about so many things reading your stories… I was hidden from god but I realize if we can get good things in the life we need to be with him that way he can guide us.

    God Bless you.

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